Our Sangha meetings are online Thursdays at 7-8.30pm. when there is usually some teaching, discussion, and meditation.
We offer led meditations Monday evenings 6.55-8pm.
We meet in person on Saturday mornings once a month, usually the fourth Saturday of the month 10.30-12.30. The venue is Sychdyn Memorial Hall CH7 6EA. It's on the A5119 between Mold and the A55. There is also an in-person Thursday night meeting at Sychdyn on the second Thursday of the month 7-8.30pm All are welcome to join us.
Contact: [email protected] for more details or the link for the online meetings.
Our current theme for our Thursday online meetings is The Four Noble Truths
Saturday In person Meetings at Sychdyn Memorial Hall CH7 6EA: November 23rd 10.30-12.30 December 14th 10.30-12.30 January 25th 10.30-12.30 2025 February 22nd 2025 March 22nd 2025
Thursdays in person 7-8.30 at Sychdyn - usually the second Thursday in the month November 14th November 21st No Thursday in person meetings in December
Our Sangha meetings are online every Thursday starting at 7pm. All are welcome to join us Contact: [email protected] to be sent the link. We meet once a month on a Saturday morning in person. We also offer led meditations Monday evenings. Email us for more details.